Monday, October 28, 2019

The crisis management

Who is a crisis manager?

And when still does not work, the cause is taken a crisis manager. But the reputation of the business of crisis, especially in the eyes bankrotyaschegosya businesses, often "dirty". That is to correct this reputation and bring the company out of the crisis (bankruptcy) and need a person as a crisis manager.
Getting Started-crisis manager

To start the crisis-manager have to identify enterprise challenges, whatever they may be rooted - in the external or internal factors, in relation to the "top" (the local authorities, for example) or the "lower ranks" (employees of enterprises of different levels - from top managers to ordinary workers), in the formal, legal "gray" or frankly criminal field.

Moreover, it is not necessary to assess the situation in their own enterprise, and unfamiliar. That is necessary to analyze the vast amount of information that has yet to be obtained. And it is not always willing to share. And even if you do not hide, still important things are often not formalized, are rooted in the specifics of the enterprise, its history, undocumented relationships with partners.

Moreover, all of these processes - diagnosis, analysis, strategy development and implementation take place in conditions of severe stress, time pressure, conflict communicating parties. Sometimes the only thing that unites the participants in the process - the suspicion and antipathy towards the crisis managers, a stranger to all.
The history of crisis management in the CIS

I must say, some of the reasons for this attitude and created by history "saviors". In the early '90s to become a crisis manager could almost anyone to do this, it was only to finish courses of arbitration managers. And as a result of their abilities often only enough to chaotic sell the property in favor of the individual creditors.

The era of "grave-diggers" rather quickly replaced by another, more organized, but also more dangerous. Bankruptcy has become an instrument of redistribution of property. The enterprise management is particularly important control of three components: equity, debt and senior managers. And the struggle was waged on three fronts at once: packets eroded, emission or their results were disputed, the debt increased or, conversely, decreased, executives outbid. Interested parties have deployed a real war for the appointment of "their" crisis manager.

In addition to the manipulation of documents in the course were powerful and "PR", and direct capture of enterprises, and fires in arbitration courts. With varying degrees of validity in lobbying accused everyone who was involved in the enterprise, - local authorities, and the whole country.

Legislation, including the recent changes made to it, do not really help, "razrulivaniya" problems, optimization of crisis management and even improve its reputation. But help business development. Still, not to openly criminal methods out of fashion, but it becomes more cost-effective compliance with the rules of the game, even if they are not too successful.
trade costs

However, in situations not scandalous situation of crisis manager will not envy. It is by definition work in a crisis. But it's not just about the position of the enterprise - a potential bankruptcy, there are a lot of other factors ...

Not only that the crisis-manager will have to decide the high cost in terms of time constraints and the information - it is, after all, a question of professionalism. Significant measures must be carried out under conditions of constant emotionally charged up to the aggressiveness of contacts.

The labor collective of the crisis structure, of course, even before the arrival of the new man stopped getting old (if at all any) paid and that is called a "wound". Accumulated annoyance poured, of course, at the stranger. Former executives perceive a colleague-rival in arms: if they could not save the native enterprise, surely someone else to deal with that, demonstrating the failure of the former management ?! In the course are as "excuses" and direct sabotage: absenteeism, refusal to issue documents and so on. In short, the emergence of a new man destroys the system of relations established between the company's management with the local authorities, with the partners. It is simply collapsing familiar "world picture." And there are interested parties and business pressure and public bodies (and not always objective).

That is why the anti-conflict is considered to be one of the main characteristics of the work of anti-crisis manager. And that's why all analysts agree that in this profession are important not ctolko expertise both internal qualities of the person. Most important among them - to be able to achieve confidence.
Best crisis managers

Best crisis managers - people have earned the trust: successful professionals with an impeccable reputation and a stable relationship with the authorities and managers of the same level. However, their work is effective only within their region or, at best, their industry.

More versatile professionals who can pursue authority as referred to, with a clean sheet. Therefore, in the training programs of anti-crisis managers increasingly focus on "psychological conditioning": managers are taught to engage in dialogue and negotiations, to speak before a large audience, to resolve staffing conflicts, reach compromises and to withstand the pressure.

The profession itself also affects the character. According to the survey, non-standard situations that arise in the process of crisis management now forms a kind of management wisdom.

The need for the manager crisis be equally convincing in negotiations with creditors and debtors, with local authorities and federal agencies with staff and members of his own team promotes tolerance for the opinions of others, develop self-restraint, self-control and at the same time, the ability to remain in their own independent judgments.

Such qualities can not be taught - it comes primarily with experience. However, we hope eventually positive practice crisis management finally will change the image of the profession as a whole. Perhaps, then, and become crisis managers to call the good old word - "trustees".

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