Monday, October 28, 2019

Mediaplanner - the privilege of advertising agencies

Who it?

Although the word is known far not to everyone on mediaplennerov is now in great demand.

So who is this man? What he devotes his precious literally working hours? Estimated output in general, can be made from the name of the profession. Of course, mediaplenner engaged in some planning (from English to plan), and, perhaps, his work comes to the media (mass media). Speaking precisely, mediaplenner scheme is the most profitable investment of funds allocated by the company to the "promotion" of its name, products or services.

This profession is a matter of the advertising business. Departments mediaplennerov - necessity and a privilege it is advertising agencies, with only reputable companies can afford such an expensive pleasure. For mediaplennerov services, as, indeed, and other advertising services, handles the vast majority of firms in the specialized agencies.
Math plus outlook

Mediaplennery - is most often people between the ages of 20 to 30 years. Go to mediaplennery sense immediately after the institute or at the beginning of his career, accumulating some experience on other promotional positions. Clear requirements for education is not here, although the presence of the applicant at the technical college diploma speaks in favor of his mathematical skills and abilities. And without a good relationship with math people are unlikely to take place as a mediaplenner.

In addition to mathematical predisposition, there is another important condition - required for the profession overall outlook. Since the work to be with the media, you need to think of their orientation. Understand what social life events may cause increased people's interest in newspapers, radio and television. Still need to be guided in public tastes and preferences, see the difference between audiences a wide variety of media. There is also a third condition - computer skills at user level. Today, however, it is necessary for each anything like a business person.
What to do?

In our country mediaplennery work professionally for about five years. During this time there were good people, but has not yet managed to emerge a thorough training system. It has not yet emerged respected unconditionally recognized professional education units and courses.

So the best debut mediaplennera - a dive into the practical side of things.

For example, an advertising agency asked the firm that sells electric kettle. She needs to convey to the client the information about your product. Information on the potential buyer takes mediaplenner of the marketing department. If he is experienced, then he can use the right programs, to define this so-called target group. In the case of kettles target group are women of average means in age from 25 to 45 years.

Now we need to calculate those media that are most interest them. This data can help Palomars computer programs stored TV ratings, as well as the Galileo program, which brings together publications ratings. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a set of parameters. If we talk about television, it is, first, the channel coverage for a day or a week, and secondly, its share among other channels, that is, how much of the target group will be given time to contact him at the same time. Thirdly, it is necessary to find out the pricing policy of the channel or publication. The recommendations should be as specific as possible. When it comes to radio and television, it is necessary to specify not only the channel, but also programs, which draw the attention of the target group.

As a result, mediaplenner outlines for the client sequence of the advertising company, which will lead to increased sales.
Theory and practice

The main enemy mediaplennera - advertising prices. The budget allocated by the client, is limited, and it prevents scale and does not allow to implement the best theoretical option. The plan must be as effective only in the framework of the released funds for an advertising campaign. Often in that the adjustment result provided mediaplennerom, making circumstances. Sudden changes in the television program, for example. For example, TV crew and was replaced Melodrama Militants have not fit to promote electric kettles and electric razors.

Most often the basis for the advertising campaign is television. Radio plays a supporting role, and the materials in the press are intended to describe in detail the brand. All these areas are different from each other, and because there are among mediaplennerov narrow professionals: for example, people who are specialized mainly on work with the radio or a TV. But a powerful advertising campaign covering all media types, can only deal with the mediaplenner, which has not only solid, but also a versatile skills.

Apparently, in the near future the demand for mediaplennerov not fall. That is why young people, it makes sense to try their luck and to become popular and scarce professionals. But we need to be patient: you can become a competent specialist is not earlier than one year. To begin, of course, have an assistant and, most likely, in a modest, not very well-known company. On the transition to the large firm can confidently rely formed, Skopje extensive and varied experience mediaplenner.

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